
likely choices as a personal folder

  •  elisi. it's a real diary for me because it's just the right kind of thing that helps me understand my feelings and emotions and interests.
  • somnote. it's a comfortable place to hide my thoughts and research.
  • tumblr. it's a nice place to get real work done. it's a real place.
  • ambit.red. it's the right place to be. it's the right place to account all things.
  • blogspot. it's the right place to say real things.
  • exciteblog.jp. it's the right place to make the list of your lifetime.

0 件のコメント:


golden sunshine routine&

 my patron saint: Laughing Buddha or Budai . i will display it in my bedroom . i will use the app zentype to pray to the Laughing Buddha ....