
my own particularities...and the things i know.

 i know many things...like how opportunities don't really arrive like a neat delivery package. opportunities are like the neighbor bringing bibingka or strange pizza to your door.

opportunities...they arrive like a message asking for a job as a graphic designer and whatnot.

but am i really one of those people carrying a shotgun-cellphone on the public bus, am i really any sort of store-owner to you like Gerald Waseda Tanaka.

but actually, sometimes any sort of guest arrives with a complete resume and qualifications...hailing form the Middle-East and Islamic...asking for some sort of graphic design job.

a strange opportunity, the very kind of opportunity, or maybe th every nature of opportunities.

unlike some things in the world, you know, like blind dates with a book in kraft paper packaging, on a table, left with no cashier or something. 

i know that opportunities and perhaps anything you really hope for....arrives like an angry neighbor asking for a cup of water at midnight.

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golden sunshine routine&

 my patron saint: Laughing Buddha or Budai . i will display it in my bedroom . i will use the app zentype to pray to the Laughing Buddha ....