
extra-important obligations

masabihan o masulatan, it's probably clear that there's some written work of literature that with it's absence in the public or government domain, is causing people to jump over things like rifts in the ground with absolutely no warning or hazard.

so it's safe to say that this should be an official legal case.

a body of literature that's missing from government domain.

causing any person of government ordinance or normalcy of citizenship...absolutely any unseen and unexpected accident or hazard.

it's worth an issue. it's worth a scandal.

it's worth a discussion.

a missing body of literature from the government's domain that's just causing any citizen random and also significant to numerous and endless...accidents.

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golden sunshine routine&

 my patron saint: Laughing Buddha or Budai . i will display it in my bedroom . i will use the app zentype to pray to the Laughing Buddha ....